2015-01-27 Playing Oppenheimer – the actor dazzling the critics in RSC production


By Catherine Vonledebur for Coventry Telegraph, 27 January 2015

source coventrytelegraph.net

Actor John Heffernan talks to Catherine Vonledebur about playing a “tragic hero” in Oppeneimer at The Swan Theatre

Tom Morton-Smith’s new play Oppenheimer at the RSC’s SwanTheatre

J Robert Oppenheimer was so engrossed with the wartime race to build the atomic bomb he rarely held his newborn daughter.

Playwright Tom Morton-Smith’s fascinating new biographical epic, Oppenheimer at The Swan Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon, depicts the chain-smoking theoretical physicist and his hard-drinking wife Kitty as flawed parents who pass their baby son and daughter from pillar to post.

The couple enlist their closest friends and even members of the military as baby-sitters.

John Heffernan, whose performance as the chief scientist behind the nuclear bomb that the US dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, is dazzling, says: “Oppenheimer had two very young children at the time he was building the atom bomb and in the play, we see how these relationships suffered because of his focus on work.

In the play I am holding this fake baby and not being a very good father.

I’ve just had a baby myself and so after the play I am driving home and holding a real baby. I am much more loving than I am in the play.

Just a month before the opening of Oppeneimer the actor’s baby daughter, Olivia, was born.

It is not the first time the new dad has played a character based on a real person.

He said: “In a play about Wallis Simpson called The Last of the Duchess I was playing her biographer Michael Bloch, who has just published a new biography of Jeremy Thorpe. He was a young man at the time. I met him and that was fun.

But I couldn’t meet Oppenheimer. I absorbed myself in reading so many fabulous biographies, in particular American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer and Robert Oppenheimer: A Life Inside the Centre.

I was also scouring YouTube to pick up his vocal energy and mannerisms. He seems to be presenting an image to the world that is very formal and clipped. As an actor you have to provide an interior life to the character and for that I immersed myself in the play. I have found it fascinating.

The more John has read about Oppenheimer, the more he thinks of his character as “a tragic figure”.

From left: Josh O’Connor, Thomasin Rand, Daniel Boyd and Tom McCall in rehearsal for Oppenheimer, RSC The Swan Theatre


He says: “Oppenheimer thought they could end all war by detonating the atom bomb, then a Communist witch hunt stripped him of his security clearance and he subsequently suffered a breakdown.

That initially intrigued me. Then I discovered another side of him I didn’t know about. He was an extraordinary man. He wrote short stories, spoke several different languages, taught himself Sanskrit and was fascinated by Hinduism. He is geeky and yet he has a string of women. Then there is his Jewishness. It has been written that he was in denial of his Jewishness.

This is not the first play about physics John has acted in, he was in the 2012 revival of Freidrich Durrenmatt’s The Physicists at the Donmar Warehouse – a play written in 1961, when the Cold War in full grip and the possibility of nuclear annihilation was a very real threat.

J Robert Oppenheimer

The talented actor, who currently lives in Leicestershire, laughs “I’m not scientific at all.

I’m pretty much the stupidest person in the world. I’m a great disappointment to my Dad, who is a retired physics teacher.

I asked him to help me understand the physics. I’d ring up and say: ‘What’s a neutron Dad?’

Our director Angus (Jackson) is great. He studied philosophy and physics at Oxford – he has a mega-brain.

He brought one of his teachers from Oxford – Professor David Wark – to talk to us. He knew Richard Feynman, one of the characters in the play and is a very passionate, fascinating man.

John was last seen at the RSC in 2007 in The Seagull and King Lear, more recently he played the leading role in Edward II at the National Theatre.

Returning to the RSC feels “a bit like home in a way”, John says.

I really love it. It’s where I first fell in love with theatre. At 13-years-old I came to see a production of Twelfth Night with my mum. I became a Shakespeare anorak and came to see every show. I was living in Essex at the time.

I did work-experience here and was an usher for two years while I was a student at Bristol Uni. I had my second job at the RSC in 2006, and was in King Lear in 2007. I love to come back.